Our Services
Curious about what we do? Let’s get into the details of how we might work together. Bottom Line: Our services support the growth and development of individuals and teams.
LEADErship Coaching
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today, I am wise, so I’m changing myself.” - Rumi
You are a leader and a creator. You may be at a moment in time where you feel stuck or in need of support to help you move forward. This is where coaching can help. A coach is a partner who is deeply committed to your development. Coaches help you discover new awareness and acceptance about yourself, others, and situations. We work with individuals in six-month increments to help raise levels of consciousness and performance. The shift you experience is the ability to live and lead from a higher level of energy characterized by more curiosity, compassion, and connectedness.
Team Facilitations
We know relationships are the key to high-performing teams. Building a strong team requires courage, persistence, and emotional investment. We challenge team members to look beyond the individual and seek the best solutions for the whole. Teamwork is an essential component of finding fulfillment in work and providing a sense of belonging and connection. Team facilitation engagements are customized to each client and leverage the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team framework and assessments, as well as the favorite frameworks of each client.
Sometimes work feels like play. These workshops and tools bring us joy to deliver and are impactful and enjoyable for our clients (See Testimonials).
Introduction to Everything DiSC (includes an Everything DiSC assessment)
Productive Conflict
Team Effectiveness
Leveraging the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team
Energy Leadership Index
Everything DiSC (Workplace, Management, Work of Leaders, Productive Conflict, Agile EQ, Sales)
Five Behaviors Personal Development Report
Leadership Practices Inventory (360 feedback)